Sunday, January 18, 2009

Team Meatloaf: Photos Strait From The Oven!

1- Sunrise (not to be confused with sunset)
According to on January 12 the Sunrise in Chesapeake,VA was at 7:17am
I took the photo at 7:29am.

Don't be mad at us that it is this gloomy in Chesapeake every day!

2- Hug a stranger over 50 and get their middle name

In this photo Zach approaches this lovely woman with middle name of "Jane" and asks her the year she was born. She replied "1952" In return, Zach gives her a hug.

3- Draw a portrait of your partner, without looking at the paper, or lifting your pencil from the paper. ( must submit 2 drawings each team)
Black pen, one line from start to finish.
No I was not wearing goggles. Those are suppose to be glasses.

4- Light a candle
Team Really Good :the candle
Team Meatloaf: the lighter
End Result: getting burned

5- Kick a field goal
The fence surrounding the field read, "No trespassing during school hours." We didnt see that sign....

Then Zach actually thought we needed to kick the f i e l d g o a l

1 comment:

  1. I Like your pictures!!!! The sunrise is questionable, since there is no sunrise, but who am i to talk, we failed this week.

    zach hugging strangers and the field goal photos are awesome.

    i'm glad to see that we actually have competition this time.
